FY2024 BIA Funding Opportunities Open
The Native American Fish & Wildlife Society (NAFWS) is pleased to announce an informational webinar series on the 5 separate opportunities for Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Fish, Wildlife and Parks funding for FY2024. This webinar is an introduction to the funding opportunity for the Endangered Species Act Program. Proposals are being requested for projects relating to the Invasive Species Program, Endangered Species Program, Tribal Youth Initiative, Fish Hatchery Maintenance Program, and the Conservation Law Enforcement Officer Program. The BIA encourages funding be administered through 638 contracts. Information about each of the 5 programs is summarized in this PDF – full RFPs can be accessed at the following links:
BIA Endangered Species Program
BIA Fish Hatchery Maintenance Program
BIA Conservation Law Enforcement Officer Funding
Please register below to receive the Zoom link.
For more information
Megan Hawkins, NAFWS Grants Coordinator