Employment Opportunities
Jobs at NAFWS
The Deputy Executive Director (Deputy) serves as a trusted advisor under the direct supervision of the Executive Director (ED) to advance the mission of the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society (NAFWS) by providing leadership, strategic direction, guidance and supervision. This is a supervisory position.
The Deputy will be responsible for conducting business in a manner that coincides with the Articles of Incorporation, Strategic Plan, Code of Ethics and other regulations, policies, and procedures of NAFWS.
The Deputy will frequently be involved in situations that are very complex and highly sensitive and is expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, and to seek guidance and direction on issues from the NAFWS Executive Director.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
The Communication Director (CD) of the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society (NAFWS) serves under the guidance and direction of the Executive Director. The CD will be responsible for implementing a creative comprehensive communication strategy or network to enhance the visibility of Native American Tribal Natural Resource Programs and Native peoples. This will include promoting the exchange of information related to Tribal fish and wildlife management techniques and policy initiatives in a way that meets the organization’s mission and goals through media relations and public outreach initiatives. The CD will assist the Executive Director in the promotion and outreach of events and trainings for the NAFWS.
The CD will be responsible for conducting business in a manner that coincides with the Articles of Incorporation, Strategic Plan, Code of Ethics, and other regulations, policies, and procedures.
The CD will frequently be involved in situations that could be complex and sensitive and is expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and to seek guidance and direction on issues from the Executive Director.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
The Society is seeking the services of a qualified auditor to complete an A-133 Audit and
990 for 2025, 2026, and 2027. The award will be made to a responsive and responsible
audit firm based on the best value and professional capability.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete Request For Proposals. Questions and proposals may be submitted to Jennifer Bills at [email protected]
External Job Openings
City of Boulder
Limited Commission Ranger– Location: Boulder, CO Application Deadline: 2/7/2025 Salary: $25.42-$36.87/ hourly
Through a 9-12 month Temporary position; serve the visitors of the City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks by providing Limited Commission public safety, natural resource management, and environmental education through code enforcement and visitor contacts (both educational and informational). Provides assistance in emergency medical response, and search and rescue response, including proactive patrol and responding to calls for service. Works with partner agencies to provide the community of Boulder and its visitors with exemplary customer service.
Follows the OSMP Ranger Naturalist Mission to “strive to be models of excellence in environmental stewardship, resource protection, and community safety while providing exceptional customer service and elevating the visitor experience”.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
The Nature Conservancy
Rangeland Ecologist– Location: Malta, MT Application Deadline: 2/9/25 Salary: $60,500-$64,500/ annually
The Rangeland Ecologist joins a dynamic team of local conservation partners in collaborative conservation work across north-central Montana. This position provides range ecology and wildlife biology expertise and technical assistance to landowners, government agencies, and other conservation partners for mixed-grass and sagebrush habitat conservation. The rangeland ecologist will function as the leader of a Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) program managed by The Nature Conservancy, in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, for greater sage-grouse and four species of grassland birds. CCAA planning and delivery components include making landowner contacts, performing resource inventories, developing rangeland resource and ranch management plans, completing written agreements, and compliance monitoring. Stewardship projects done in conjunction with partner groups include mesic restoration projects, crested wheatgrass improvements, grazing systems on native range, and grassland reseedings across public and private land. The Rangeland Ecologist position is part of the Conservancy’s Northern Great Plains Program in Montana and works with other Conservancy stewardship staff based at the Matador Ranch near Malta and conservation staff in Montana, as well as conservation organizations, federal and state land management agencies, and research scientists. The Rangeland Ecologist works closely with rancher-led community collaboratives. This position is supervised by the Montana Northern Great Plains Director and supervises the Grassland Research Coordinator.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Chickaloon Village Traditional Council
Environmental Program Specialist– Location: Palmer, AK Application Deadline: Open until filled Salary: $27/hour
We are seeking a self-motivated professional to conduct stream water quality monitoring with handheld field meters, install data loggers, and retrieve data from loggers. The position also requires office work of entering, organizing, and uploading data, and assisting in transitioning the water quality monitoring program to digital data collection and digital management systems. We encourage participation in cultural activities to support the mission of CVTC and the ESD department. This may include, but is not limited to, assisting in salmon curriculum at the Ya Ne Da Dah Ah School, support of culture camps and other community gatherings, and artistic and creative projects for outreach.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Community Grants Manager III– Location: Anchorage, AK Application Deadline: Open until filled Salary: $93,583.19-$116,918.71/ annually
Provides advanced grant management and financial management technical assistance support to remote Alaska Native communities with climate adaptation and community development engineering and construction projects. Co-develops and implements grant and financial management policies, procedures, and tools with community staff and leadership. Provides extensive ongoing assistance and training to communities to achieve compliance with all funding agency requirements.
To apply: Follow the link above and search job ID 2529 for complete job description and application information.
Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Wildlife Program Manager– Location: Ridgefield, WA Application Deadline: Open until filled Salary: $91,936-$110,240/ annually
Achieves the program goals and objectives by planning, managing, monitoring, and evaluating the daily operation of staff and services designed to protect, restore, and enhance resources of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe. Manages projects, performs research and investigations, and advises leadership and external agencies on management practices that benefit culturally significant wildlife. Honors and represents the mission, vision, values of CIT and of the Natural Resources Department.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission
Stream Habitat Restoration Biologist– Location: Glennallen, AK Application Deadline: Open until filled Salary: $60,000-$80,000/ annually
The Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission (AITRC) is seeking a self-motivated individual to fill the position of Stream Habitat Restoration Biologist, in the Ahtna Territory of southcentral Alaska. The incumbent will meet with the Ahtna tribes to gather information on environmental areas of concern, rank priority fish passage projects, plan and carry out fieldwork, and apply for implementation funding. Trainings will be attended with partner organizations to guarantee synchronized protocols, data, and ranking criteria.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Colonel – Director of Massachusetts Environmental Police– Location: Chelsea, MA Application Deadline: Open until filled Salary: $140,000-$170,000/ annually
The Colonel, as Director of the Massachusetts Environmental Police within the Office of Environmental Law Enforcement (OLE) under the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, holds the highest-ranking position within the environmental police department. Tasked with comprehensive oversight of departmental operations, strategic planning, and administration, this role demands strong leadership, managerial acumen, and unwavering dedication to law enforcement while prioritizing the safety and security of the Commonwealth.
Leading a committed team of approximately 100 officers and 40 civilian staff members, the Colonel is charged with the vital responsibility of safeguarding Massachusetts’ environment and natural resources through a multifaceted approach involving enforcement, education, and public outreach. Environmental Police Officers are entrusted with the responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with laws related to environmental protection, conservation and natural resource management.
In addition to overseeing resource planning and organizational development, the Colonel coordinates activities for Environmental Police Officers, the Communications Unit, and the Administrative (fiscal) section of the office. The Colonel exercises direct supervision over all daily departmental activities, including those of the Lieutenant Colonel, Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, and Environmental Police Officers within various specialized bureaus such as the Inland Enforcement Bureau, Coastal Enforcement Bureau, Boating and Recreational Vehicle Enforcement, Safety and Education Bureau, Environmental Crimes Bureau, Hazardous Waste Enforcement Unit, Marine/Recreational Vehicle Theft Enforcement Unit, Enforcement Training, Dispatchers of the Communications Unit, and the Finance Department.
This pivotal role offers a unique opportunity to lead a dedicated team in the crucial mission of safeguarding the environment and upholding Massachusetts’ laws, thereby ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Pyramid Lake Fisheries
Executive Director– Location: Sutcliffe, NV Application Deadline: Open until filled Salary: $51,817-$54,438/ annually
Responsible for the management and administration of the Pyramid Lake Fisheries Program. Coordinates the overall planning of interdepartmental programs, fiscal & personnel management; and oversees policies & activities that could impact endangered/threatened species.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Conservation Legacy
Aquatic Ecology Steward– Location: Colville, WA Application Deadline: Preference given to applicants that submit application by January 24, 2025 Salary: $600/ week
Stewards Individual Placements (Stewards), a program of Conservation Legacy, provides individuals with AmeriCorps service and career opportunities to strengthen communities and preserve our natural resources. Participants serve with federal agencies, tribal governments, and nonprofits to provide institutional capacity, develop community relationships, and support ecosystem health. Stewards partners with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to facilitate the WaterCorps Program to provide opportunities to Tribal Members seeking to gain experience in the water resources field. This WaterCorps position will be hosted at the Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge.
The Aquatic Ecology Steward is an AmeriCorps position that will gain experience in various aspects of aquatic ecology in the setting of a National Wildlife Refuge.
The mission of the Fish and Wildlife Service is “Working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” The purpose of the National Wildlife Refuge system is to administer lands and waters for the conservation, management and, where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.
The Aquatic Ecology Steward project focus will be on aquatic resources that will include aquatic invasive species mapping and control, survey of rare aquatic species, wetland and riparian habitat restoration and survey of fish and other species with high impacts to their habitats. Management of these resources will directly benefit the agency’s mission to administer land and waters for the conservation of the fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Seasonal Crew Leader- Mexican Spotted Owl Monitoring– Location: Boulder County, CO Application Deadline: Review begins 12/31/24 Salary: $20-21/ hour DOE
Spend 2.5 months coordinating a monitoring project on the Arapahoe-Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado. All field work will be conducted with appropriate federal permits. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is seeking 1 crew leader that will each steer a small team of three technicians to conduct Spotted Owl surveys. This position will build leadership, management and mentorship skills while working on charismatic federally-threatened species in Colorado. Successful candidates will have excellent inter-personal and organizational skills, will be passionate about working outdoors and comfortable working in the backcountry. Crew leaders are responsible for the logistical planning of the field season and will coordinate their crews’ schedule, gear use, and data collection. Crew leaders assist the Avian Ecologist in: overseeing the field safety of the crew, and ensuring data quality, and adherence to USFWS approved survey protocols. Crew leaders are also responsible for coordinating access with US Forest Service biologists and partners and landowners. The first week of the field season, you will participate in an intensive training session with the Avian Ecologist. It will cover protocols, avian identification, safety protocols, GPS navigation and data entry. The second week of the training, you will assist the Avian Ecologist by co-leading the same training for the technicians
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Experience a season of adventure surveying for nocturnal owls on the Arapahoe-Roosevelt US National Forest near Boulder, Colorado. All field work will be conducted with appropriate federal permits. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is hiring 5 field technicians that will travel within a small team to conduct Spotted Owl playback surveys. Technicians follow strict protocols of broadcasting calls and listening for responses, as per USFWS, adding to a monitoring dataset that informs presence of the raptor species within forest management areas. Mexican Spotted Owl distribution along the Front Range of Colorado is not well known, this is a unique opportunity to work on a federally-threatened at the edge of its range. Successful candidates will be passionate about wildlife conservation, comfortable hiking long distances off-trail at night, and enjoy living and working remotely for several months at a time. Work days can be long and strenuous, and the work schedule is highly variable with extensive driving time. Attendance to a week-long training during the beginning of the field season is mandatory. Technicians must be able to learn to identify all Colorado owls by sight and sound upon completion of the training.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Spend 3 months coordinating a long-term monitoring project on the US National Forests in Arizona and/or New Mexico. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is seeking 3 crew leaders that will each steer a small team of three technicians to conduct Spotted Owl surveys. This is a unique opportunity to build leadership, management and mentorship skills while working on a charismatic federally-threatened species in the southwestern US. Successful candidates will have excellent inter-personal and organizational skills, will be passionate about working outdoors and comfortable working in the backcountry. Crew leaders are responsible for the logistical planning of the field season and will coordinate their crews’ schedule, gear use, and data collection. Crew leaders assist the Avian Ecologist in: overseeing the field safety of the crew, and ensuring data quality, and adherence to protocols. Crew leaders are also responsible for coordinating access with US Forest Service biologists and partners and landowners. The first week of the field season, you will participate in an intensive training session with the Avian Ecologist. It will cover protocols, avian identification, safety protocols, GPS navigation and data entry. The second week of the training, you will assist the Avian Ecologist by co-leading the same training for the technicians.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Experience a season of adventure surveying for Mexican Spotted Owls on US National Forests throughout Arizona and New Mexico. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is hiring 9 field technicians that will travel within a small team across the southwestern US to conduct Spotted Owl playback surveys. Technicians follow a strict protocol of broadcasting Spotted Owl calls and listening for responses, adding to a long-term monitoring dataset that informs the regional population trends of the owl. This is a unique opportunity to work on a federally-threatened species and to become intricately familiar with southwestern landscapes. Successful candidates will be passionate about wildlife conservation, comfortable hiking long distances off-trail at night, and enjoy living and working remotely for several months at a time. Work days can be long and strenuous, and the work schedule is highly variable with extensive driving time. Attendance to a 4-day training during the beginning of the field season is mandatory. Technicians must be able to learn to identify all southwestern owls by sight and sound upon completion of the training.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application information.
Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority
Tribal Liaison– Location: Remote Application Deadline: Review begins 1/9/25
UMRWA is seeking a Tribal Liaison to establish and foster beneficial relationships with Tribes
having an interest in forest stewardship activities in the Upper Mokelumne River watershed.
This position will serve as UMRWA’s main point of contact with the Tribes within the region to
promote and facilitate Tribal input on forest planning and project implementation activities
within the Eldorado and Stanislaus National Forests. The successful candidate will be one who
demonstrates the ability to establish and maintain constructive relationships with multiple
Tribal communities and the capacity to assist Tribal representatives to engage and communicate
their interests in forest-related initiatives.
This is a part-time contracted position funded by grants. The initial contract term will be for one
year. Approximately 25 hours per month on average are expected. The position reports to the
UMRWA Executive Officer. Pay is competitive and based on experience.
To apply: Interested Individuals should submit a cover letter and resume, including three professional references to UMRWA Project Manager Regine Miller at [email protected].
1854 Treaty Authority
Environmental Specialist– Location: Duluth, MN Application Deadline: 12/13/24 Salary Range:$23.49-$28.73/ hour
The Environmental Specialist will provide technical and policy support to the 1854 Treaty Authority and member reservations, the Bois Forte and Grand Portage bands. The position will be responsible for consultation and project activities related to the environmental health of the 1854 Ceded Territory. Specific duties may include but are not limited to: involvement in workgroups and planning initiatives (ex. Lake Superior Partnership, watershed planning), St. Louis River estuary restoration, review and consultation activities related to environmental impacts from industrial or other development projects, climate resiliency planning and monitoring projects, and outreach and education activities. The position will be located in the offices of the 1854 Treaty Authority in Duluth, MN.
To apply: See the full job description above. Please submit by mail or email a completed 1854 Treaty Authority general application (available on front page of 1854 Treaty Authority website), a resume (include contacts for 3 references), a copy of your transcripts (unofficial are acceptable), and a cover letter to: Elyse Lawrey, Human Resources/Office Manager, 1854 Treaty Authority, 4428 Haines Road, Duluth, MN 55811. Ph: 218-722-8907. Email: [email protected]
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
The Environmental Toxicologist will join a team of interdisciplinary scientists in the Environmental Section of GLIFWC’s Biological Services Division (BSD). BSD staff work in diverse fields, such as fisheries, wildlife ecology, forest ecology, and environmental protection. The Environmental Toxicologist will provide technical advice to 11 Ojibwe member tribes in the implementation of their off-reservation, treaty-reserved rights in the Ceded Territories of northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, focused on environmental contaminant issues and will perform duties listed below in a manner consistent with Commission policies and procedures.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application materials.
The Deputy Director of Planning position will be under the direct supervision of the GLIFWC’s Director of Planning and Development. The Deputy Director of Planning is funded 20% time under the Commission’s P.L. 93-638 Self-Determination Contract and is responsible for: 1) preparing expert witness reports and testifying in treaty rights litigation cases; 2) providing economic analysis and natural resource marketing assistance to the Commission and member tribes; 3) preparing business plans to expand processing and marketing capacity for Lake Superior fish and other natural resources harvested under reserved treaty rights (i.e., wild rice, maple sap, furs, etc.); and 4) preparing congressional appropriations strategies and funding justifications. The remaining 80% time is funded under the Commission’s Indirect Cost Agreement and is responsible for: 1) providing the Commission strategic planning and management assistance; 2) expanding and diversifying GLIFWC funding; and 3) implementing federal, state, and private foundation grants to build the Commission’s resource management and protection capacity and infuse Anishinaabe culture into its mission. This position is a vital component in the Commission’s transition plan and is aimed at building the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the Deputy Director of Planning to eventually staff the Commission’s Director of Planning and Development position after approximately 4 years of work experience.
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application materials.
This position shall be primarily responsible for the following conservation enforcement activities: patrol, protection, and investigative services in the areas of Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota ceded by the 1836, 1837, 1842, and 1854 Treaties with the Chippewa, including those portions of Lake Superior
To apply: Follow the link above for complete job description and application materials.
The Outreach and Engagement Program Officer will be responsible for building new and existing partnerships with Tribal programs, Native-led non-governmental organizations, and community leaders in the 16 Native Nations in the Northern Great Plains and supporting BNGA’s partners with developing and implementing their conservation-focused community outreach and engagement activities. The Program Officer will also produce and manage BNGA’s social media content, create and distribute BNGA’s monthly newsletter, and co-organize events with other BNGA staff.
To apply: follow the link above.
Blackfeet Fish & Wildlife Department
Fisheries Biologist– Location: Browning, Montana Application Deadline: ASAP until filled Salary Range:$24.29 per hour
The Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife Department is seeking a fish biologist to work directly with the Fisheries Program Manager. The fisheries program consists of recreational and conservation fisheries. The Fish Biologist will conduct research, monitor populations, and implement strategies to promote the health and sustainability. This position involves fieldwork, data analysis, and collaboration with interdisciplinary teams to achieve conservation and recreation goals.
To apply: follow the link above.
Eighth Generation
Creative Director– Location: Hybrid in Seattle, WA Application Deadline: Open Until Filled Salary Range: $100,000 Annually.
The role of the Eighth Generation’s Creative Director is to shape and oversee the development of new
products and product lines, direct the expansion and improvement of in-house production processes,
and guide the creation of visual media and brand aesthetic in collaboration with the Director of
Marketing while maintaining the brand’s uniquely Indigenous approach to business and creative output.
The Creative Director oversees and manages the Product Development and Production Teams, and
works closely with the Director of Marketing and CEO.
To apply: please email your resume and cover letter to [email protected]
Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Cultural Resources Director– Full Time Position – Location: Ridgefield, WA Application Deadline: Open Until Filled Salary Range: $101,574.24-$142,203.95 annually DOE
This position achieves the Cultural Resources program goals and objectives by planning, directing, monitoring, and evaluating the daily operation of all departmental functions and staff. Ensures the protection and preservation of all documents, photographs, maps, and related material encompassing Cowlitz Tribal cultural resources. Honors and represents the mission, vision, values of CIT and the Cultural Resources department.
To apply: Follow the link above.