Webinar: Voluntary Guidance for States to Incorporate Climate Adaptation into Wildlife Action Plans and Other Management Plans
Webinar Flyer State SWAPS_NAFWS 2022
When: Wednesday, November 16 at 3:00 pm
Zoom Link:
The Voluntary Guidance for States to Incorporate Climate Adaptation into State Wildlife Actions Plans
and other Management Plans aims to help state fish and wildlife agencies incorporate climate change adaptation
for fish and wildlife and their habitats into State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) and other natural resource
management plans. The 2022 version represents a major revision to the initial Voluntary Guidance published in
2009 and reflects the advancements in climate science and in our understanding and implementation of climate
adaptation developed over the past 13 years. The guidance document explains the seven principles of climate
adaptation, describes how climate change considerations can be incorporated into the eight required elements of
the SWAP, and provides detailed information and extensive lists of resources and tools for planning and
implementing climate adaptation, including resources about the social dimensions of climate change and climate
change communication.