Winter 2020 – Native American Fish & Wildlife Society

Elveda Martinez, Southwest Region Board Director


      Happy New Year to all Society Members! I am looking forward to 2020 and know that our Society is moving in a positive direction.


      In 2019, we worked to strengthen our foundation for our organization. In December we had a two day Board of Directors meeting in Denver to make sure that that was done. On Friday, December 13th we started with Board Training that was done by Richard B. Williams, Indigenous Consultant. We as Board members need to be held accountable to “YOU”, the membership. Training topics and discussion covered: Taxes (make sure they are in order), Mission Statement (know it and review it), Duty of Care (personal actions), Duty of Loyalty (have integrity), Duty of Obedience (comply with laws and governing documents), Practices (annual budget, fiscal accountability), Board Characteristics, NAFWS – the only organization that is dealing with Fish and Wildlife in the country, Board Composition (diverse skills and backgrounds), Planning Principles (strategic planning; operational plan for the year), Community Input (talk to other organizations), Transparency (inform membership), Fundraising (develop policies; follow local and state laws) and more.


      Here are some other highlights of our Board meeting:

Investment of $300,000.00 – In 2008, the Society Foundation transferred this amount to the Society. This money was to be invested for the benefit of the Society. During the past 6 months we have been researching investment options; 4 options were considered by the Board (ANB Bank, Edward Jones Investment, Vanguard Investment and the Indian Land Tenure Foundation). After presentations and discussion, the Board voted to invest with the Indian Land Tenure Foundation. A resolution and an Investment Plan of Operation were approved by the Board. The plan is to transfer the funds in January, 2020. The resolution and Investment Plan of Operation are posted on our website.


      Policy Review, Revision and Development – Existing policies were reviewed and revised, including the Constitution and By-Laws and Guide to Personnel Management. New policies were approved, including the Performance Evaluation Plan, Conference/Training Participant’s Code of Conduct and the Credit Card Use Agreement. The Membership definitions and fees were reviewed; this will be initiated starting in January 2020. Other policies that will be reviewed and approved in 2020 include our Financial Management and Procurement Policies.


      Audit Committee – This committee will consist of the following Board members: Mike LaVoie (SE Region), Orville Huntington (Alaska Region) and Elveda Martinez (SW Region). The Society is committed to making sure that our finances are in order. In 2020, we are anticipating an increase in operational funding.

      Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) – The vote on the House floor should happen in January. We are still seeking letters of support from Tribes. If (and when) this passes, it will be a historical win for Indian country and conservation on Tribal lands. If your tribe hasn’t submitted a letter as of date, please do get one in. Information is also posted on our website.

      Staff – Our staff did great presentations to the Board and set out some goals for 2020 – developing partnerships, requesting funding (and donations), becoming more visible, have more CLEO training, look into having tribal biologists, submit technical research into a journal, plan technical training, seek out more scholarship funding, review the youth practicum booklet, update the membership via of the website and social media, review policies, etc.

      We have a great organization and we are going to continue to grow in staff and in investing in our membership.


      I’m going to end with an excerpt from our new Conference/Training Participant’s Code of Conduct:


      “We honor the teachings of our ancestors and values of our Native American and Alaska Native members and expect professional, respectful behavior. We hope to provide an environment that allows for professional, respectful networking, education and exchange of ideas.”

I pray that you are all blessed with good health in 2020.


Julie Thorstenson, PhD, Executive Director, NAFWS

      Happy New Year!  2019 was a year of revival for the Society.  I’m so excited to see how we will grow in 2020.  The last few months of 2019 were a busy and exciting time.  I traveled to every region in 2019 and we ended the year with a new office, new staff and new partnerships.  


      In October, Elveda Martinez, Mike LaVoie and I attended the first ever American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society cooperative conference in Reno, NV.  It was empowering to watch Tribal Fish and Wildlife Managers, Elveda Martinez and Dr. Serra Hoagland present to the crowd of over 4,300.  We are excited to nurture our partnership with the AFS and TWS.


      We traveled to Toppenish, Washington in October to attend the Pacific Regional Conference hosted by the Yakama Nation.  The conference was well attended and covered a wide variety of topics.  The conference ended with site tours around the Reservation and a Hazardous Materials workshop conducted by the Alabama Fire College.  We are excited to welcome Laurel James to the Board of Directors as Ted Lamebull, Sr. retires.  Please see the article in this issue for a full recap of the conference.


      The Society continues to work on HR 3742, Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA).  I attended the National Congress of American Indians Conference in Albuquerque, NM in October, where NCAI passed a resolution of support for RAWA.  In November we traveled to Washington, DC to participate with our partners the National Wildlife Federation in a briefing and press conference on the benefits the bill will have for Tribes.  It was encouraging to see the bill move out of the House Committee on Natural Resources with a vote of 26-6.  We are still working hard to serve as a clearinghouse for Tribal letters of support.  To date, we have 46 letters of support representing 78 Tribes from 19 states.  We still need Tribes to get involved to ensure Tribes are included.  The bill will dedicate $1.3 billion annually to state fish and wildlife agencies to implement their science-based wildlife action plans and an additional $97.5 million for tribal fish and wildlife managers to conserve fish and wildlife on tribal lands and waters.  Please visit our webpage at for more information.


      I traveled to the Northeast Region to attend the USFWS Native American Liaison Conference.  It was good to meet with USFWS personnel and discuss how we can build a stronger partnership.  I had the pleasure of touring the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) homelands.  I also had the chance to meet natural resource staff and Tribal leadership of the Aquinnah and Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.  I look forward to growing our membership in the Northeast Region in 2020. 


      In November I traveled to the Mississippi Band of Choctaw lands to attend the 50th annual United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) Annual Meeting.  Southeast Regional Directors, Mike LaVoie and Mitzi Reed and I presented to the Natural Resource Committee on RAWA and the Society.  It was exciting to watch USET grow to 30 Tribes; what an impact they have made in Indian Country in the past 50 years.  We are looking forward to the Southeast Region hosting the Annual NAFWS National Conference, please see our website for more information at:


      December was an extremely busy month.  I started the month with a visit to Anchorage, Alaska to present at the BIA Provider’s Conference.  It was great to connect with Alaska Native Tribal Natural Resource managers.  We hope to continue growing our Alaska membership and fully understanding their natural resource needs.  This trip was followed by our Board of Directors’ meeting in Denver, CO.  The Board made many positive decisions to help the Society continue to grow.


      We relocated our national office to Northglenn, CO in December and are extremely excited for the new expanded space.  On the same day, we welcomed Ashley Carlisle to our staff as the Education Coordinator.  Ashley graduated with her Master of Science in Conservation Leadership from Colorado State University.  She is currently working on the Annual National Summer Youth Practicum for 2020.  I hope you all have a chance to meet Ashley and help build our Education Program.


      2020 will be an exciting year for the Society as we continue to focus on building our membership and adding value to the services we provide for our members.  Please watch your email and mail for membership information or visit our website at:


     We are busy planning our National Conference and hope to see you all in Miami, FL in May.  As always, if you have ideas for the Society, please contact me, or your regional director(s).


by Laurel James, Program Manager, Wildlife, Vegetation and Range Management, Yakama Nation

      The Yakama Nation hosted the Native American Fish & Wildlife Society 2019 Summer Youth Practicum, in conjunction with the 14th annual Yakama Nation Wildlife, Youth Wilderness Camp.  Camp Chaparral, located in the heart of the forested region of the Yakama Reservation was host to a total of 46 students, from the Yakama Nation and from across the country.   


      Specifically, we hosted 23 campers during Boys camp; 9 Yakama campers and 14 visiting campers [August 29 – September 2 – 2019] and 23 campers during the Girls camp; 12 Yakama campers and 11 visiting campers [September 5 – September 9 – 2019].  The camp, provided cabin lodging, classrooms and a dining hall. 


      During the day, campers were exposed to and participated in natural resource program operations: fisheries, forestry and wildlife.  Campers planted trees with our forest development program, went electrofishing with our fisheries program then, studied the flora & fauna of riparian habitats while participating in macro-invertebrate sampling in the Klickitat River with the Wildlife program. 


      In conjunction with Yakama Nation Tribal Police and our Game Warden unit; our campers participated in a firearms training and competed against one another in skeet shooting.  Finally, to wrap up their evening and while working on their field notebooks; campers were able to participate in a ropes course, healthy options workout with our Yakama Nation Diabetes program or, a cultural activity. 


      With the assistance from our cultural specialists, many of our students learned basketry, beading or participated in sweat lodge activities. To conclude each week, the Yakama Nation Tribal Council joined us at camp to enjoy a feast, thanking our students for their commitment to our precious resources. 


      We were happy to host these amazing students and we also thank the Native American Fish & Wildlife Society for this opportunity.    


 Photos: (left) – Traditional feast, prayers and invocation offered by the Yakama Nation Tribal council; (right side photo); Girls camp roundup. (photos by: Rennae Bill).


Photos: (left)-Boys who participated in the camp; (Middle)-Students participate in a ropes course; and (right side photo)- students doing macroinvertebrate lab work.


  Photos: (left) – Students participate in tree planting; (Middle) – firearms training and skeet shoot competition; (third) – students doing macroinvertebrate lab work.

Native American Conservation Officer Training (NACOT) held in Billings, Montana 

      In furthering a collaborative partnership between U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Law Enforcement and the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society and with support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, tribal conservation officers from around the United States participated in a week long, immersive training course held in Billings, Montana on September 9-13, 2019.


      This past year, 35 participants represented 12 federally recognized tribes (FRTs). The officers received training on wildlife forensics, wildlife attacks on humans, first responder training, emotional intelligence, raptor feather identification, and Tribal/Service investigations.


      Two days of outdoor weapons training included live fire (night and day) qualifications on handgun, shotgun and rifle; pepper spray/baton training, and scenario-based non-lethal (NLTA) use of force training.


      DOI tribal law enforcement officers are required to complete 40 hours of in-service training each year and this training fulfilled that requirement. Also, for many tribal conservation officers, this training is an opportunity that provides quality training specific to wildlife law enforcement, which is not readily available.

Submitted by: Terry Tibeault, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Resident Agent in Charge, Billings, MT.


Firearms training during the Native American Conservation Officer Training held in Billings, MT in September 2019.

Conservation Law Enforcement Officers Sub-Committee Update

By: Karen Lynch, NAFWS

     The conservation law enforcement officers sub-committee is underway. A teleconference call was held in November 2019. The idea for the sub-committee initially developed from in May 2019 from the need to update the regional and national conservation law enforcement officers (CLEO) shoot competition information and the Southwest Region 40-hr. conservation law enforcement officer training held in Santa Ana, NM on May 6-10, 2019. One of the main purposes that the sub-committee will work toward is improving the training needs for tribal conservation law enforcement in Indian country.


      Following the sub-committee teleconference several tribal officers provided information and suggestions that could be addressed. Some of the important things are these: 1) Tribes are open to receiving in-house training; 2) Small tribal reservations have only 1-2 officers and have no funds to send officers to training; 3) Tribes in the Great Lakes have equipment needs; 4) Need training that is more conservation oriented, such as updates on conservation laws; Indian country criminal jurisdictions; 5) A need at the Hopi Tribe to remove feral horses that have populated their lands and which compete with wildlife for food; 6) Post Critical Incident Stress; 7) Specialized weapons and defensive tactics training; 8) More information on utilizing drones for law enforcement work; 8) Equipment needs.


      The Great Lakes Region have a need for training in the areas of:  1) Wildlife Conservation such as: raptor handling, decoy deployment, and chronic wasting disease update/discussion;  2) Conservation laws in regards to small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS’s;  3) Update and new tools training in: land navigation/GPS, surveillance associated gear, NARCAN, taser, BWC discussion/usage; 4) Updates and new skills training in: report writing, rural active shooter, observation skills, evidence collection, de-escalation training, scenario based training, and; 5) Updates on field based training such as: wildland rescue, k-9 handler, medical survival kit, ice rescue, and winter survival.


      Those tribal officers that attended the NAFWS Southwest Native American Conservation Law Enforcement Training at Santa Ana, NM last May, 2019 provided evaluations and suggestions for future training needs. These suggestions were rated high and are as follows:  1) Field skills – advanced firearms, sims with scene scenario, trapping, survival, tracking, tactical (advanced); 2) Tools – drones, first-aid from animal attacks, weapons familiarization safety, tactical medicine; 3) Investigative- search warrants, undercover, advanced interviews, interrogations; 4) Laws – ARPA, Lacey Act. 


      Comments from officers who attended the Santa Ana, NM training in May 2019 said the following: more time on firing range, more hands-on training, more after-hours training, less digital camera/forensics lecture.


      Thank you to those who have spent time sending us the lists of training needs and to those who participated in the teleconference call from the Great Lakes. This list will continue to be updated and new information and training needs will be a consistent addition as we receive more information.


      All tribal conservation law enfocement officers or others who are interested in serving on the CLEO Sub-Committee are most welcome.

Steelhead and Coho Salmon are Focus for the Sweetwater Creek Floodplain Restoration Project at Nez Perce Tribe

By: Travis House, Lapwai Creek Project Leader, Nez Perce Tribe DFRM-Watershed Division

      The Sweetwater Creek Floodplain restoration project implementation began on October 21, 2019.  This project is located on Webb Road, on the Nez Perce Reservation in Nez Perce County.  The project area is approximately 1.5 miles upstream from Sweetwater, ID.  Sweetwater Creek is a tributary to the Clearwater River. 


     The purpose of the project is to restore fish habitat, floodplain function, natural stream function, and to reestablish the native plant communities. This will be accomplished by constructing 1700 feet of new channel, building 23 log/boulder habitat structures, constructing off-channel habitat areas, allowing the creek to access the floodplain, and removal of invasive weed species.


       The current conditions of the project site include (but are not limited to) several human altered changes to the stream, which include a straightened and channelized stream, and decreased instream complexity.  Sweetwater Creek was most likely a stream that crisscrossed and meandered the entire valley of the Sweetwater watershed. 

      In the early 1900s, the Lewiston Orchards began to divert water from Sweetwater Creek to meet irrigation demands.  More changes occurred throughout the early 1900s when land was converted to farm fields.  During this time, Sweetwater Creek was relocated to a straightened, channelized streambed on one side of the valley, which is where it has remained until recently. 

      The land use changes of the Sweetwater Watershed affected how wood enters the stream and how the wood is stored in the stream as individual pieces or as logjams. The changes to the wood recruitment has resulted in the streambed material being uniform in size and far too large for appropriate spawning material.  The current condition also includes a mature canopy of Cottonwoods and Alder.  Sweetwater Creek has been pushed up against the east hill slope where an offset levee runs the east side of the current channel preventing Sweetwater Creek from accessing its floodplain.  


      This project is being implemented with funds from Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF), and Nez Perce Tribe Snake River Basin Adjudication monies.  Steelhead and Coho Salmon are the primary focus of this restoration project, however, many species of fish and wildlife will benefit from this project. 


      For the first two weeks of the project Nez Perce Tribal Fisheries employees monitored the existing channel for adult Coho salmon and none were observed in the project reach, the first day water was fully diverted into the newly constructed stream channel with all the habitat structures in place 8 adult Coho were observed utilizing the resting and pool areas in the project reach.  Recent electrofishing efforts found steelhead/rainbow trout, Coho, dace, sculpin, and bridge-lip sucker to be present in the project reach, all of which will benefit from this project.

      The majority of the project has been completed with an estimated project completion date of December 13, 2019.


Photos: (Left)-New stream channel construction; (Middle)-Completed habitat structure in new stream channel; (Right side photo)-Sweetwater Creek fully diverted into new channel and habitat structure.

NAFWS Welcomes New Education Coordinator

By: Karen Lynch, NAFWS

      Taking on the position of the Education Coordinator and fresh from just receiving her masters degree in Conservation Leadership, Ashley Carlisle is anxious to be on staff with the NAFWS. She’s eager to share her experiences, background, education and cultural teachings from her late grandfather in her new job.  Her Navajo clans are Táchii’nii (Red Running into the Water People Clan) which is her maternal clan and Tó’aheedlííníí (The Water Flows Together Clan) is her paternal clan.

      Before her interest in natural resources she was thinking about going into the field of agriculture. Some of her family and relatives were already working in the agricultural field and she recalled having a heart-to-heart talk with her late grandfather whom encouraged her to use her identities of ethnicity, religion, and her education, “to become who I want to be and who the Native people need.”

      After high school, Ashley chose to go to Colorado State University, more than 400 miles away from Tohatchi, NM. She worked her way through undergraduate studies and completed her Bachelor’s degree in Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology in the Warner College of Natural Resources.

      She explained that her masters degree concentration in Conservation Leadership allowed to increase and interconnect the biological science knowledge with the social science side of conservation. “I think conservation work, specifically within Indigenous communities evolves intersecting the biological, political, economic and social aspects, in order to catalyze and sustain change.  I also wanted to understand the different techniques, knowledge, research, and initiatives that evolved around those different aspects. This is why, I decided to go into Conservation Leadership.”

      Conservation Leadership provides a learning program for students to facilitate dialogue between different stakeholders at different spatial scales through use of cross-cultural and interdisciplinary learning, said Ashley. “It also incorporates traditional research skills to catalyze social and ecological contributions.”

      Ashley hopes to use her skills and education with the encouragement from her grandfather in her new job as Education Coordinator where she will put together a summer youth practicum for high school students. The summer youth program has been a project that the NAFWS has held for more than 30 years. Students are introduced to tribal natural resource role models and the many disciplines of natural resources in a one-week period. She says it goes with what our Navajo elders say, “that the youth’s purpose is to earn their education and then return to their homelands while keeping their language, their culture, and their traditions in mind.”

      Some cultural teachings from her Diné background have helped Ashley to reflect on how Mother Earth (ME) plays a significant role in tribal ceremonies, language and stories. “It really is our duty to care for ME with our utmost abilities. As a Christian, I also believe that God gave us humans dominion and the task of being stewards over creation. She added, “I have learned the science behind the natural world and its processes including the rising concerns of climate change and its effects. All these identities work and strengthen one another as well as have one main aspect in common which is natural resources.”

Ashley Carlisle on her graduation day from Colorado State University


      Duluth, MN – August 16th, 2019 – Six Native American students spent the week of July 29th-August 2nd, 2019 with the 1854 Treaty Authority at Nenda – Gikendan Noopiming gaye Nibiing (seeking knowledge in the woods and place of water), a natural resource careers camp for tribal youth in the 1854 Ceded Territory, or Minnesota’s Arrowhead region.

      The week-long, overnight camp experience was designed to provide up-and-coming native high school aged students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field of natural resource management.  “We hope to encourage [these youth] to pursue related college majors and careers, and hopefully take our roles in tribal resource management jobs someday”, says 1854 Treaty Authority Cultural Preservation Specialist and Camp Coordinator, Marne Kaeske. 

      Youth participants spent time in classroom sessions, field trips, and worked alongside professionals in fish and game monitoring survey activities throughout the week. Some of the highlights included electrofishing surveys with 1854 fisheries staff, listening to a migratory songbird’s heart beat with Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center MAPS bird banding team, shooting a dart gun (as part of a wildlife capture demonstration), meeting a K-9 unit dog named “Si” and his handler Officer Mike Fairbanks, and a guided hike to the Spirit Tree with Grand Portage council member, John Morrin. 

      Camp Nenda was modeled after the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society’s (NAFWS) National Youth Practicums, of which 1854 participated in in 2016 and 2017.  “As a chaperone for two past National Youth Practicums, I was in awe of the variety of exploratory applications that the youth participants had, on lakes, streams, wetlands, with fish, wildlife, forests, traditional knowledge… it was really impressive. I knew we should be holding a similar event for our tribal youth in the Great Lakes Region”, said Kaeske. It has been over 10 years since the Great Lakes Region of the NAFWS has hosted a youth practicum.  “We have many culturally significant species right here on Ceded Lands, and knowledgeable natural resource professionals working to protect them. By exposing the students to current tribal management projects, they become part of the conversation and therefore the stewards. I am looking forward to hosting bigger and better youth camps using what we learned this year.”

       The 1854 Treaty Authority is an inter-tribal natural resource management agency that manages the off-reservation hunting, fishing and gathering rights of the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa and the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa in the lands ceded under the Treaty of 1854. 

For more information, contact Marne Kaeske, [email protected] 


Photos: (Left) – Conservation Law Enforcement Officer, Mike Fairbanks, explains his work as a K-9 handler.

(Middle photo) – 1854 Fisheries Biologist, Nick Bogyo, and Fish/Wildlife Technician, Tony Anselmo, instruct a camper in taking a scale sample from ogaa (walleye) during an electrofishing demonstration.

(Right photo) – 1854 Resource Management Division Director, Darren Vogt, leads Nenda campers in an on-water manoomin monitoring exercise.


     The NAFWS Pacific Regional Conference was held on October 15-17, 2019 hosted by the Yakama Nation in Toppenish, WA.  There were 70 attendees representing 11 tribes from the Pacific region.  The opening ceremony began with the parade of colors with the Tribal conservation law enforcement officers.  Participants were welcomed to the conference by JoDe Goudy, Yakama Chairman, Ted Lame Bull and Donna Nez, NAFWS Pacific Regional Directors and Julie Thorstenson, NAFWS Executive Director.

      The 2019 Pacific NAFWS Business Meeting was held.  Julie Thorstenson gave an update for the National Office and Rennae Bill, Yakama Nation presented on the 2019 Youth Wilderness Camp and the NAFWS Summer Youth Practicum.  Ted Lame Bull conducted the meeting and announced his retirement.  Laurel James, Yakama Nation was elected as the next Pacific Regional Director.  The NAFWS has been so fortunate to have nearly 20 years of service from Ted Lame Bull and we wish him well in his retirement.

      Joe Jay Pinkham facilitated the Elders’ Panel of Tallulah Pinkham and Chris Ganuelas.  Participants learned of Celilo Falls and its importance and the importance of the salmon to the Native people.  Tallulah Pinkham stated, “I think about all the things children were taught to do to take care of our elders”.  Both women recalled the smell of Celilo and how hard the people worked.  The Elders’ Panel concluded with the video, “Celilo Falls:  Echo Against the Rocks.”

      Phillip Rigdon, Superintendent, Yakama Division of Natural Resources, presented to a packed room on the Yakama Tribal Natural Resources.  He stated, “Our culture, our traditions, are tied to these sites up and down the basin.”  

      The Native Youth Programs and Workforce Development Panel included presentations from Elese Washines, Yakama Nation Higher Education; Alexander Alexiades, Heritage University; Meghan Collins, Desert Research Institute and Jim Durglo, Intertribal Timber Council.  This was a great showcase of opportunities and projects for Native Youth and Professionals in the Pacific Region.  The Yakama Nation has a goal that their workforce will be 80% enrolled Yakama Nation.  They have identified natural resource professionals as a critical area of need.

      The Wildlife Panel showcased important work Tribes are doing in the Pacific Region.  Valentino Villaluz, Swinomish Tribe, discussed the difficulties of managing wildlife and fishery resources while competing with human intrusion.  “Our natural resources are being loved to death” Villaluz stated.  Presentations on Rangeland Conditions and Feral Cattle were given by the Yakama Nation and Yurok Tribe, respectively.

      Julie Thorstenson, PhD, Executive Director gave an update on the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, HR 3742.  This bill will provide Tribes $97.5 million in funding for wildlife and fisheries management.  Dr. Thorstenson encouraged Tribes to become involved and send letters of support.

Day two of the Conference provided updates from USFWS and BIA Tribal Liaisons Nathan Dexter and Keith Hatch on funding and policy updates affecting Tribes.  A panel on regional projects highlighted work by the Upper Columbia United Tribes challenges of trespass marijuana sties on rare forest carnivore species on Hoopa lands and fish passage for salmon by the Colville Tribes.  Cody Desautel, Colville Tribes, described the return of salmon to blocked areas as delivering cultural and economic benefits for all.

      Nathan Dexter, USFWS, Mark Nuetzmann, Yakama Nation Wildlife and Cameron Huesser, Couer d’ Alene Tribe presented on the rise of tribal aviaries in the Pacific Region.  The day concluded with an Invasive Species Panel discussion on noxious weeds, gypsy moth and wild horse management.

      A banquet was held for all participants with a presentation by the Yakama Nation Lil Swans Dance troupe and Yakama Nation Eagle Aviary & Birds of Prey Demonstration.  The awards ceremony included presentation of two scholarships for students in natural resources.  The 2020 Pacific Regional shoot team members are:  Greg Moses (top gun), Jerrod Rickman, Nez Perce, Darrel Eli, Shawn Lame Bull and William Ives of Yakama Nation.  Robert Schuster, Yakama is the alternate.  

      Thursday, October 17th consisted of field trips to local Yakama Wildlife and Fisheries projects along with a HazMat Awareness Training by Roy Stover of the Alabama Fire College.


      Ted Lamebull, NAFWS Board Representative from the Pacific Region comments: “Had a good turnout, roughly on and off, 60 – 70 participants. Had the support of the Yakama tribe and had the good fortune to have Laurel James, head of the Wildlife Department for the Yakama Nation to assist. Without her and our Executive Director, Julie Thorstenson we wouldn’t have had the quality of speakers and the attendance we did. Had speakers from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. The Yakama tribal chairman JoDe Goudy was keynote at the banquet where we had an auction which also went well.” 


Photos: (Left) – 2020 Pacific Region shoot team are:  Greg Moses (top shooter), Darrel Eli, Jerrod Rickman, Shawn Lame Bull, William Ives. (Alternate) Robert Schuster. (Right photo) – Roy Stover, Alabama Fire College, Workplace Safety Training Program instructs a training on Hazardous Materials Awareness during the Pacific Region Conference.


2020 NAFWS National Conference – May 4-8, 2010, Miami, FL to be hosted by the NAFWS Southeast Region and the Miccosukee Indian Tribe of Florida. For more information:


2020 NAFWS Southwest Region Natural Resources Summer Youth Practicum. Save the Date. The practicum will be held at the Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge (15 miles north of Las Vegas, New Mexico) from June 15-19, 2020. For more information, contact Norman Jojola at [email protected].

NAFWS Biologist Positions (2) – Two biologist positions are open with the NAFWS. Closing date for applications: March 2, 2020. For more information:

Wildlife Field Forensics: Advanced Training for Wildlife Crime Scene Investigators, May 12-14, 2020, Seely Lake, MT. For more information:


Hazardous Materials Awareness Training for Native American Tribes – A training course could be scheduled at your tribe and there should be at least 20 in a class. Classes include: Hazardous Materials Awareness, Radiological/Nuclear Awareness, WMD and All-Hazards Awareness, Hazardous Materials Operations, Incident Command Systems (Basic and Intermediate), Mass Casulty Incident Triage Awareness, Responder Safety Awareness, and Clandestine Meth Lab Awareness. For more information: Roy Stover, Alabama Fire College, (205)655-6572, [email protected].

© 2020 NAFWS


Native American Fish & Wildlife Society

10465 Melody Dr., Ste. 307

Northglenn, CO 80234


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The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society would like to thank those organizations that provided us with support over the years. With them we grew an effective national communications network for the exchange of information and management techniques related to self-determined tribal fish and wildlife management.

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